By Ervena Faulkner
The beginning of a new year is a great time to look at your spiritual fitness and make adjustments accordingly. If you’re like me, you probably want to make this the best year ever in both regards.
Bryan Nash, minister at King Street Church of Christ in Beaufort, S.C., gives this advice about improving your spiritual well-being:
Not only should you read from the Holy Bible daily, you should be a part of a Bible study for enrichment.
You should learn how to communicate with God, knowing what to ask for and the process by which this should be done.
Taking time for worship-singing, praying and learning from God’s word-can set the pace for a well-lived life.
Spend time in quiet meditation to help set the course for the day
Spend time with others whose faith you share. This time brings about goodness and love for each other. You should get strength and encouragement in living a good life.
Perform acts of kindness toward others. The willingness to help in situations of need shows the beauty of love for others.
Columnist Ervena Faulkner is a Port Royal, S.C., resident and a retired educator.
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