Special services: Learn to pray and serve as an Episcopalian during special services.
9:15 a.m. May 7 and May 14. Library of St. Anne's Episcopal Church, 3098 St. Anne's Lane NW, Atlanta. 404-237-5589, saintannes.com.
Free concert: Kerren Berz and Friends will present Harmony for Humanity, a chamber music concert. Berz teaches strings at The Galloway School; formerly she was an orchestra director for Spelman College, as well as the Chattanooga School for Performing Arts. The concert will followed by a reception in the parish hall. Donations accepted.
2-3 p.m. May 7. St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church, 4393 Garmon Road NW, Atlanta. 404-266-1018, stdunstan.net.
Concert for all: Get ready for an evening of soulful music and Shabbat tunes featuring local musicians during Acoustic Shabbat Café hosted by the Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta (MJCCA). The evening will celebrate people of all faiths and backgrounds through live acoustic music, blessings and favorite songs. Free and open to all to attend; coffee, food and drinks will be available for purchase.
7 p.m. May 12. Free. Créma Espresso Gourmet, 2458 Mt. Vernon Road, Dunwoody. 678-731-9020, atlantajcc.org.
Messages for moms: On Mother's Day, Pastor Barbie Cooper of Mount Paran Church will deliver special messages for mom. Additionally, photo booths will be stationed throughout the church's campus to help moms capture photographic memories.
9 a.m. and 11 a.m. May 14. Mount Paran Church, 2055 Mount Paran Road NW, Atlanta. 404-923-8700, mountparan.com.
Family picnic: During the Family Lag B'Omer Picnic at the Park hosted by Chabad of Cobb, families can enjoy barbecue, games, music and more.
4:30-6:30 p.m. May 14. $12. $6 for kids and $36 per family. Chabad of Cobb. East Cobb Park, 3322 Roswell Road, Marietta. 770-565-4412, chabadofcobb.com.
Weekend retreat: Spend the weekend practicing hatha yoga and praying. The retreat will offer practical experience for yoga newbies, as well teaching tips for others. Contemplative prayer, which will accompany yoga sessions, will be in the form of Lectio Divina and taize songs.
May 26-28. $80-$100 per night, including accommodations and meals. Monastery of the Holy Spirit, 2625 Highway 212 SW, Conyers. 770-483-8705, trappist.net.
Have an event you’d like to publicize? Send an email with all event details, a contact phone number and photo (if available) in the body to: ajcfaithcalendar@gmail.com. You can also post your event at ajc.com/calendars.
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