OK, what are we supposed to feed our kids?
The high school ones leave the house before 7 a.m. and on most days, because of after school activities, don’t get home until 6. Other days, it’s even later, like 8 or 9. They have a full day of academics and sports.
If we’re trying to teach them healthy habits, and how to make good choices in all areas of their lives, we know they’ll do their best if they’re eating nutrient dense, unprocessed, whole food that will help them get through that incredibly long, demanding day.
Oh, but that look we get when we pack the carrots and hummus …
It is the greatest challenge of parents and guardians. The grocery store has 13 aisles of pre-packaged, processed foods that cater to this very busy demographic, but we know the stuff in those aisles is garbage for all of us.
But while adults can choose to throw together a healthy lunch bag, or stop at the grocery salad buffet, our kids are limited to the vending machines, concession stands and fast food places — and peer pressure! — around them.
Unless we choose to buy the good stuff in advance and help, or guide, the kids to pack their own healthy options.
It’s work and it is even expensive, compared to those dollar menus.
But it is worth it.
Three Milwaukee-area experts chip in with advice:
It’s a must. The carb cereal isn’t enough either; nutritionists want our kids to get some protein in there.
“If you can start off the day with 15-25 grams of protein — eggs, greek yogurt, oatmeal with almonds — and some complex carbs for energy, like fresh fruit, it will awaken their brain and body,” said Tony Becker, branch manager of Fitness Together in Wauwatosa, Wis. “This sets kids up for success the entire day.”
Rita Larsen, Elite Sports Club’s in-house registered dietitian, said any kind of cooler lunch bag with the ice packs will work. Pack a water bottle too. Every day.
Kids need lean protein too and unroasted, unsalted nuts are favorite options for nutritionists and trainers — and probably unappealing to the general teenage population.
But many classes have to be nut-free for the kids with allergies. Please don’t buy the Oscar Meyer protein pack without looking at the sodium and fat on the label first.
Larsen recommends yogurt, cheese sticks, containers of hummus (some protein) with pretzels, or peanut butter (if nuts are allowed) and veggie sticks.
Larsen also says low fat chocolate milk is good; there’s enough protein and calcium in there to offset the high sugar.
Nicole Kerneen, a nutritionist and consultant with her own company, Way of Life, also suggested that kids would eat Boar’s Head low sodium turkey from the deli or a hard boiled egg in their packed lunch.
“Cheese isn’t the best source of protein because there’s so much fat with it,” Fasules said. “You’re best bet is a Babybel or string cheese. There’s also low-sodium turkey jerkey.”
Fruit is easy. A lot of kids will eat that. Getting kids to eat vegetables? Good luck.
Kerneen said sugar snap pea pods, cucumbers and mini cucumbers come highly recommended. Cherry tomatoes, though not green, are easy to throw in to lunch packs.
This is just food. It doesn’t have to be fun. Or rewarding. Or comforting …
“The meal is there to nourish the body and to take care of the needs of the student while they’re in class,” Larsen said. “I’m afraid we get in to an environment where everything has to be fun. Everything has to be in bright packaging. One of my granddaughters came over and she had seven little bag things and I thought, what a party! Only — it’s just a normal day! I said, Don’t bring this stuff to my house.
“We cut up apples and we cut up green peppers. Try to get through the day with as little unadulterated food as possible because they don’t need the preservatives and the sugar. It doesn’t process right away, so it just sits in their gut. My granddaughter that started opening the bag of Doritos, I just said ‘Oh no no, don’t even do that.’ You will need so much water to get that preservatives out of there. It’s best to keep things basic for those little stomachs.
“Maybe we need to say, this doesn’t have to look like a three-course meal. Maybe it just needs to look like a salad or some vegetables or some fruit. The kids can realize that everyday is not a party. It’s just another day.”
Kids have to get enough healthy food throughout the day so they aren’t completely starving late at night, said Becker.
“What worked for me my later years in high school was packing two lunches,” said Becker. “I had one at lunch and another one for after school. I needed food that digested quickly however because sports practices started right after school. So I packed peanut butter and jelly, string cheese and fruit, protein shakes or bars.”
Nutritionists do not want kids drinking caffeine. Starbucks, energy drinks, it’s not good. Soda, juices, Gatorade/Powerade — not good.
And sugar is the enemy.
“They need to stay away from table sugar, soda, candy bars, bakery with frosting, pies, sweet rolls, frosting. Real concentrated sources,” Larsen said. “No fruit juice — eat whole fruit instead. The average recommendation is 24 grams of sugar per day; or 6 teaspoons total. Moms should watch doing a lot of baking.
“We need to be serious about what they feed kids. My grandkids got apple slices, cheese slice, pretzels at my house today before tennis — and water!”
Also, the packaged, processed foods (chips), or hot dogs, pizza, — right after the game or practice? It’s just not good.
“Your cells need certain nutrients,” Kerneen said. “You don’t give him junk food — just because he’s young, athletic and ‘he can handle it.’ His organs are still suffering because you’re giving him junk food. His blood is still going to be filled with cholesterol, sodium and triglycerides because you’re giving him junk food.
“There’s a time and a place for junk food.”
Finally, Larsen suggests that parents talk about these food choices, to help the kids understand why we’re choosing water over Gatorade, and why vegetables help balance out a teen diet of all carbs.
“It just takes a lot of practice to think that way,” Larsen said. “I have noticed in families where there is some perseverance on the part of the parent to talk about it, to tell them why it is important, those kids actually adapt.”
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