The big question that often comes up when parents are considering adding a pet to the family is: Who’s going to take care of it?

But there’s an even more important question parents need to ask: Is this pet the right fit for our family?

“There is extensive research supporting the importance of children forming a positive relationship with animals early on as part of empathy development,” said Melanie Wagner, founder and owner of Wags in Long Beach, Calif.

Not only is it key to find the right kind of pet — dog, cat, rabbit, etc. — but the temperament and age of the children and potential pet, as well as the pet’s size, will play a large role, Wagner says.

“Toddlers may be too uncontrollable to be safe around a pet,” said Orange County veterinarian Dr. Stefanie Schwartz.

“Toy breeds and young puppies are vulnerable to rough handling and can be seriously injured. Even the best of dogs should be protected from children who want to play horsie … or even dress-up. … Bunnies are very sweet but can be aggressive if roughly handled. Hamsters are nocturnal and can be cranky if the child wakes them up during the day to play.”

Before contacting a rescue or breeder, parents should also consider their family’s lifestyle and ages. “If a family has a 6-month-old baby and both parents work, a puppy or kitten is not a great option,” Wagner advised.

Once the family has found a pet, training and relationship-building are important steps. Supervise interactions and give your pet a safe place of its own so it can escape an uncomfortable interaction by going to its crate or another room or area of your home, Wagner said.

Cats, which people typically think of as “easy” pets, may also require consideration. “Some cats are naturally more scared, skittish and withdrawn,” said Chelsea Kiser, a veterinarian at The Cat Care Clinic in Orange County.

“Cats that startle easily at loud noises, are hiding in the back of the cage or that get overstimulated easily might not be the best fit for a family with young kids,” she said.

Think of your new pet as another child — because that’s really what he or she will become. Professional dog trainer Sherry Nativo said she’s working with a client with three children and a Great Dane puppy.

“I tell my client that she now has four children,” Nativo said. “You can’t expect young children to always listen to the rules, like ‘don’t pull the dog’s tail,’ and you can’t expect young children to know what to do on their own. Children also run and scream a lot and that can frighten a dog, make him want to chase, jump and nip at the 3-year-old.”

To help resolve the problem, Nativo taught the puppy to sit right after chasing the children in order to adjust his behavior. Now the 3-year-old asks the dog to sit and he does it on command.

Hiring a professional may be helpful, and teaching kids to be polite and respect the pet’s space can go a long way too.

Wagner suggests having your child practice proper interaction with a stuffed animal before your new pet is even brought home. “Once a child understands how an animal is feeling and what motivates them, the child can begin to change their interactions with the animal.”