4 ways to help you walk 10,000 steps a day without working out more

Fitness apps allow you to have access to workout plans and customized information via your smartphone or a similar device.

Credit: Getty File Photo

Credit: Getty File Photo

Fitness apps allow you to have access to workout plans and customized information via your smartphone or a similar device.

Fitting in a workout isn't always an option, but that's no reason to give up on getting your steps in during the day. Try these easy hacks to get more steps logged onto your fitness tracker even on days when hitting the gym is a pipe dream.

Don't eat at your desk.

We're all guilty of downing a sad desk salad in order to power through a project, but studies have shown that eating in front of your computer can hurt your fitness journey in more ways than one. According to SHAPE, people who eat at their desk are more likely to make poor food choices, and distracted eating leads to gobbling up bigger portions, too. Picking a nearby park or even walking to the break room can break up your sitting time, add to your step count, and jump-start your creativity.

Quit hunting for a good parking spot.

Save yourself some frustration while adding steps to your total by opting to park farther from your destination. You'll get a little extra time outdoors and rack up extra steps twice for every stop you make in your car (and skip out on the parking wars in the process). If you're visiting a building with a parking garage, try parking on the very top level and walking all the way down the stairs (or vice versa).

Walk and talk.

Conference calls can be a drag, but they don't have to bring down your step count for the day, too. Once you dial in, pace around the office, do a lap around the building or even go on a walk outside — if you're more of a listener than a talker and can simply hit the "mute" button.

Set a one-mile rule.

Atlanta isn't known for being a pedestrian-friendly city, so it's common to look at a destination and think about your route only in terms of traffic and parking. But with initiatives like PATH and the Beltline, more everyday destinations like grocery stores, pharmacies and restaurants are becoming walkable. Set the one-mile rule and try not to drive anywhere less than one mile away from you. You might be surprised at how short the walks are to some of your favorite neighborhood joints.

Take more trips.

No, not vacation trips—although those are fun, too. But make multiple trips for things you would normally grab in one fell swoop, whether it's bringing fewer bags of groceries into the house at a time or using a smaller water bottle so you have to get up and refill it more often.