SUCCESS STORY / Marie Damm, 58: From 278 pounds to 148 pounds

Former weight: 278 pounds

Current weight: 148 pounds

Pounds lost: 130 pounds

Height: 5 feet 5 inches

Age: 58 years

How long she's kept it off: She started in August with Sparkle west coach Kassie Bohanon. She reached her current weight in June. "Working with a health coach provides a wealth of information," Damm said.

Personal life: "I live with my husband, Gary, of 33 years and my daughter Brittney, who is now 29. My younger daughter, Kristin, is 25 and lives in Marietta," Damm said. "I am a wife and caregiver for my daughter Brittney, who has has developmental disabilities as well as autism." She lives in Powder Springs.

Turning point: "My weight-loss journey began in 1968," Damm said. "At age 1, I was overweight and the pediatrician told my mom to put me on a diet. At age 8, I was taken to a dietitian. At 9, I was taken to Weight Watchers for the first time." Through the years, she tried many plans with some success, but "nothing worked long-term," Damm said. "The turning point for me was the deterioration of my health. I have had asthma since childhood, but it had become severe. I was also diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and depression. I also suffered from constant fatigue and heartburn."

Diet plan: She eats four small meals daily. "I know that if I feel like eating, I need to just wait a little because I will be eating within a short while. … If I do impulsively eat something which is not planned, I do not beat myself up," Damm said. "… In the past when dieting I always felt deprived. If I cheated on my plan, I would often just give up."

Exercise routine: She walks with friends twice a week for three miles. She does hourlong pool exercises and lifts weights three times per week.

Biggest challenge: "At 278 pounds, I was overwhelmed at the thought of needing to lose over 100 pounds," Damm said. "In desperation, I had gastric-bypass surgery in June 2003. I chose to have weight-loss surgery to help me lose the weight. I thought it would end my struggle with food and weight. Although I initially lost weight, I slowly gained weight back until I was back up to 200 pounds. The surgery did not fix the true problem. I was making poor food choices and eating food to comfort and reward myself. Raising a disabled child is extremely stressful. It is 24/7. It can seem like an unending, thankless job. I had to learn to deal with my emotions and realize that eating would not help my situation."

How life has changed: "My life has changed drastically," Damm said. "I feel like I can do so much. I feel healthy and strong. I have so much more energy and ambition to try new things."

Share Your Success: Each week, Success Stories focuses on an individual’s unique weight loss journey. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution does not endorse any specific weight loss program but includes names and links for the benefit of readers who want further information. Have you lost weight successfully with a healthy lifestyle change? If you would like to share your story with our readers, please include your email address, phone number, and before and after photos (by mail or JPEG), and contact us at: Success Stories, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 223 Perimeter Center Parkway, Atlanta, GA, 30346-1301; or email Michelle C. Brooks,