Several groups plan to hold a rally at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Richard B. Russell Federal Building downtown to protest the Supreme Court’s ruling upholding the ban on travel from several mostly Muslim nations.

The rally is part of the #NoMuslimBanEver campaign.

Related: Supreme Court upholds travel ban

The Supreme Court’s decision “represents another shameful mark on our nation’s history. This heartless and xenophobic executive order will continue tearing families apart and throwing lives into despair" said Azadeh Shahshahani, Project South’s legal and advocacy director. “ But we will not stay silent and will continue to work for justice in our communities.

The court handed down a 5-4 decision. Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion.

Organizers include Project South, Somali American Community Center, CAIR Georgia, the Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights, Black Alliance for Just Immigration, Southerners On New Ground, Jewish Voice for Peace-Atlanta Chapter, Georgia Alliance for Social Justice, ACLU of Georgia and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

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