“My name is Mamrie Hart and I wanted to write this paperweight to combine my two favorite things: delicious cocktails and embarrassing myself.”

So begins the new book of YouTube star Mamrie Hart. Her “You Deserve a Drink” (the same name as her weekly online show) is essentially a series of hilarious anecdotes about her life — not all necessarily drinking-related — coupled with cocktail recipes so that you can play a drinking game while reading. Yes, really.

That’s nothing new for fans of her web series, who are instructed to take a drink every time she makes a bad pun (a lot, apparently), but the rules of her usual game “won’t work here. I can’t be responsible for alcohol poisoning of the literally dozens who read this book.” Instead, get to sipping every time she references an old television show, stuff like that.

And if you decide to try one of the cocktail recipes in her book, one for each chapter, you’ll find she’s just as adept with cocktails as she is with dirty puns and describing her boozy misadventures. This one, Sorry Camp-Ari, even comes with a fun party trick.

Sorry Camp-Ari

1 1/2 oz. Campari

1 1/2 oz. mezcal

Juice of 1/2 tangerine

1 oz. orange liqueur

1 sprig rosemary

Combine first few ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake. Strain into a highball glass with a large ice cube.

Clean and dry the shaker. Set sprig of rosemary onto piece of foil and carefully light on fire. As it smokes, invert the shaker and hold it over the rosemary, catching the smoke in the process. Once filled, quickly close it over the top of the highball glass and don’t open until you’re ready to serve, giving the drink a nice woodsy flavor.

— Adapted from Mamrie Hart’s “You Deserve a Drink”