— The Juice Generation / 100 Recipes for Fresh Juices and Superfood Smoothies by Eric Helms with Amely Greevan. This book offers more 100 recipes with practical instructions for making restorative and great-tasting vegetable and fruit juices, smoothies, and tonics. $20
— Umami / Unlocking the Secrets of the Fifth Taste by Ole G. Mouritsen and Kalvs Styrbaek. Recipes that hone in on the fifth taste, a distinct savory cuisine with east Asia origins. $34.95
— Duck, Duck, Goose / Recipes and Techniques for Cooking Ducks and Geese, both Wild and Domesticated by Hand Shaw. Many chefs a reluctant to cook fowl, but this book provides all you need to know about obtaining, cleaning, and cooking these flavorful birds. $24.99
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