What is your emotional last straw?  That person who has to share ever intimate detail in public?  The kid that is such a brat that he runs around a restaurant nonstop and the parents do nothing about it?  How about your best friend who won't put the cell phone down, even for a minute, and stop texting?  How about one, all and many more categories than listed here?

A new Harris \Poll is out that, according to Yahoo Shine, questioned more than 2,000 adults online.

The poll's authors said topping the list was the brat, with 86 percent of responders saying the lack of parenting is what gets on their last nerve.

That was followed closely by openly rude people, slobs, and those people who are ALWAYS late.

Cellphone abusers, the ones who constantly have their faces buried in texts, Facebook, or Twitter, came in at only 35 percent of respondents who find that overly annoying.

To read the complete results, click here.