Baton Bob, one of Atlanta’s most beloved street characters, has started a Go-Fund-Me account to help with living expenses.

Baton Bob, aka the Ambassador of Mirth aka Bob Jamerson, posted on his Facebook page that the expense of caring for his aging mother has taken a financial toll.

“ It has been an on going and continuous struggle in maintaining the cost of her care,” he posted earlier this week. “Due to the financial challenge, it has put me in an unbalanced situation. This situation consist of many variables, from maintaining a roof over my head and other living essentials.”

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Baton Bob is asking his fans and friends for help.

He said his partner, Gary, can only assist so much and he will “become homeless with me. If there is someone, that has a place that we can move into; would be deeply appreciated. Over the last year, the cost of maintaining my mother's home and the cost of maintaining a residence here, has been quite challenging; to say the least.”

So far the funding efforts has raised $260 of its $10,000 goal.

Baton Bob said his mother lives in Virginia.

“I was praying to God that it didn’t have to come to this as far as public exposure, but it is what it is,” he said. He said it was important to maintain her care at this stage. His mother is 86.

“The cost of that care is unbelieveable,” he said. “I’ve tried to cut back and budget and eliminate unncesessary costs. “

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