6 ways to tone your arms with little or no equipment

Get rid of flabby arms with these simple yet effective exercises.

Fitness Trainer Explains , How Long It Takes To, Realistically See Results.'The Independent' spoke with a fitness expert to find out how long it should take for a new workout routine to show results. .If you’ve never exercised before, you can expect to see results much faster than someone who has been training for years, as their bodies will be more conditioned, Amanda Hughes, fitness trainer, via 'The Independent'.We’re all individual in our make-up, thus the rate at which we see changes to our body will be different in each person, Amanda Hughes, fitness trainer, via 'The Independent'.With that taken into account, Hughes suggests that a routine that has you training 3 to 5 times a week should show results in about a month or two. .Here are 3 things, that Hughes suggests:.1. Keep track of your progress, Documenting your workout journey with before and after pics can help to keep you motivated. .Whilst the initial changes will be small, overtime these results will be more noticeable, Amanda Hughes, fitness trainer, via 'The Independent'.2. Make your workout plan realistic but challenging. .Be progressive with your workouts and take into account your starting point. Having a realistic and sustainable plan in place will help you to stay on it, Amanda Hughes, fitness trainer, via 'The Independent'.3. Make your workouts fun. , Gyms offer a wide variety of classes, like aerial yoga or boxing, to help spice up your routine. .3. Make your workouts fun. , Gyms offer a wide variety of classes, like aerial yoga or boxing, to help spice up your routine. .Finding something that you enjoy doing is paramount to your success, Amanda Hughes, fitness trainer, via 'The Independent'

When you have a busy schedule, working out can be the last thing on your mind. Until you start to feel a little extra jiggle on a certain body part, that is.

If you’re experiencing a little extra “love” around your arms and it’s something you want to get rid of, the good news is that you can get started without going to the gym.

There are plenty of workouts available online that you can do on your own in the privacy of your own home — or just about anywhere else.

If you have a set of light-to-moderate-weight dumbbells, YouTube is a great source for at-home workouts that can be adjusted to fit your time constraints.

Here are six exercises that can help tone your arms that require little to no equipment:

Triceps Dips


Arm circles

Wall push ups


Skull crushers