Dwayne Johnson: ‘It’d be my honor to serve you’

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson hasn’truled out running for president.Dwayne Johnson revealed to ‘USA Today’ thathe would still consider running for president. .The former wrestler, who has teased hispresidential ambitions for years, said he’ddo it “if that’s what the people wanted.”.I would consider a presidential runin the future if that’s what the peoplewanted … Truly I mean that ... thatwould be up to the people, Dwayne Johnson, to 'USA Today'.Until then, Johnson said he would“wait” and “listen” for his cue.So I would wait, and I wouldlisten. I would have my finger onthe pulse, my ear to the ground, Dwayne Johnson, to 'USA Today'.Johnson’s new NBC sitcom, ‘Young Rock,’apparently alludes to a future presidential bid. .Each episode of the autobiographical TVseries opens and closes with mock interviewsfor a 2032 campaign for office. .Johnson first mentioned that it was a“real possibility” he would run for presidentin a 2017 interview with ‘GQ.’.In 2018, he appeared on ‘The Late Showwith Stephen Colbert’ and said he was“absolutely” serious about running. .I have incredible respect for ourAmerican people and our country, soI said ‘Yes, I would consider it’ … I’m notdelusional at all … I need [experience] .., Dwayne Johnson, via 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert'.... So if that were to happen in a2024, 2028, I would have to go towork and get some experience, youknow, and understand policy, Dwayne Johnson, via 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert'

“Young Rock” might be the best presidential campaign ad ever.

In Dwayne Johnson’s television show about his younger years, Johnson is interviewed by Randall Park and others while running for president. In an example of life imitating art, a poll released earlier this month by Piplsay found 46% of U.S. adults would support The Rock running in 2024.

“I don’t think our Founding Fathers EVER envisioned a six-four, bald, tattooed, half-Black, half-Samoan, tequila drinking, pick up truck driving, fanny pack wearing guy joining their club - but if it ever happens it’d be my honor to serve you, the people,” Johnson responded in an Instagram post.

This isn’t the first time the Atlanta resident and highest-paid actor in the world has been linked to a presidential run.

In 2016, while filming “Fast & Furious 8,” he posted a photo of himself posing with director F. Gary Gray and then-Mayor Kasim Reed, and captioned it: “From right to left: our ‘Fast & Furious 8’ director F Gary Gray. The 59th mayor of Atlanta Kasim Reed. A big, brown, bald tattooed man who years from now may just run for president.”

In response to a movement launched earlier that year to draft him as an independent candidate, Johnson said: “Maybe one day. Surely the White House has a spot for my pick-up truck.”

And in 2017, he opened “Saturday Night Live” by not only declaring his candidacy, but also by choosing actor and all-around nice guy Tom Hanks as his running mate.

“A lot of people have been telling me lately that I should run for president of the United States,” he said back then. “It’s very flattering, but tonight I want to put this to rest and just say once and for all … I am in! Starting tonight I am running for the president of the United States.

“And I’ve already chosen my running mate. Like me he’s very well-liked, he’s charming, universally adored by pretty much every human alive: Mr. Tom Hanks!”

Time will tell if Johnson ever takes these plans seriously.

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