History: When Tim and Becky O’Mara gave a new bicycle to a neighborhood girl in Southwest Atlanta – after she earned it by doing yardwork – all of the other neighborhood kids wanted in, too. In 2009, Bearings Bike Works began with donated bikes and allowed kids to learn how to repair bikes and earn money, and work on other life skills.

Did you know: Bearings Bike Works sells refurbished bikes, is a full-service repair shop, and a popular community hub for kids ages 6-18. Kids can earn a bike by participating in four character-building programs.

Its motto: We Bring Skills to Life.

How you can help: Give new life to an old bike by donating a bike of any size. Volunteer in the garage by mentoring kids as they learn how to repair bikes, or connect with the community during one of Bearing’s annual events. A financial gift can make a positive impact on developing child.

To learn more: Visit bearingsbikeworks.org or email hello@bearingsbikeworks.org.