OK, so the Falcons didn't win and we're all (rightfully) bummed. But what's the best medicine for sports-related grief? Laughter.

When it comes to the Super Bowl, the Internet is the gift that keeps on giving. Twitterverse has delivered new reaction GIFs and tweets to encompass the most nail-biting plays, Lady Gaga’s halftime performance and other highlights and lowlights of the big game.

So let’s turn our frowns upside down with the most ridiculous Super Bowl memes currently ruling social media.

The Falcons dominated the first half of the game and fans reacted accordingly:

The Internet had a lot to say about Lady Gaga’s halftime show performance.

The second half started and the nail-biting began.

The score was tied in the 4th quarter with 57 seconds on the clock.

The game went into overtime for the first time in NFL history.
Then some other stuff happened that we won't talk about.

Hang in there, Atlanta.