Georgia Tech police officers show off ‘Cupid Shuffle’ moves in Valentine’s Day viral video

Georgia Tech police officers showcase their best ‘Cupid Shuffle’ moves in Valentine’s Day viral video.

Georgia Tech police officers showcase their best ‘Cupid Shuffle’ moves in Valentine’s Day viral video.

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Georgia Tech police carved out a few moments from their busy crime-fighting schedule to show some love through a classic line dance that virtually never gets old. Virtually.

The GTPD posted a video over the weekend of several officers cutting loose in their uniforms to the 2007 dance hit “Cupid Shuffle.” So far, the video has been viewed more than 80,000 times on Facebook and shared nearly 700 times.

The officers aimed to "show off their favorite dance moves" by posting the one-minute video near Valentine's Day, according to a message on the department's  YouTube page.

 RECOMMENDED VIDEO: College Forward Shuffle