On Friday morning, actress Shannen Doherty posted a Flashback Friday picture on Instagram from when she was in the depths of her chemotherapy treatment in October. The emotional photo shows Doherty curling up in bed after a round of chemo sessions.

"Last day of chemo. Exhausted. Now that I’m done with chemo and radiation, the waiting game is here," Doherty captioned the photo. "Waiting for test. Waiting to see if I’m clear or not. Waiting for reconstruction. Waiting. I think when one gets cancer, they are always waiting to a certain extent. To those who know … I’m waiting with you."

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After the post went live, fans began to shower Doherty with support and love.

"Sending up prayers and positive energy!" one fan wrote.

Another shared a story of a loved one’s own cancer battle: "Sending my love strength to you. My mom just had her last reconstruction and is waiting for recovery. It’s still a long road, but the worst is over!"

"This next week will suck but it’s all a downhill glide from here! Lots of love and support and strength and good vibes from Austin, Texas."

Doherty certainly has the support of fans hoping for the best.