In the upcoming film “Man of Steel,” Superman faces off against ruthless outcasts from his home planet. The last son of Krypton also encounters a more realistic force of nature on earth: a deadly tornado.
“Man of Steel” director Zack Snyder said there was never any discussion about altering the pivotal scene involving a twister following recent deadly storms in Oklahoma. “He’s changed by those events,” said Snyder during an interview to promote the movie, which opens Friday in metro Atlanta. “If anything, we feel like our Superman has a connection — not to make light of it — to the kind of grief that happens during those kinds of natural disasters. Also, in a sad way, even Superman can’t change that.”
A top-of-the-scale EF5 tornado hit the Oklahoma City suburb of Moore on May 20, killing 24 people. Another round of violent storms that produced a separate EF5 tornado struck last Friday, leaving nearly two dozen people dead.
“It’s a terrible tragedy, mother nature doing its thing,” said Henry Cavill, who plays Clark Kent and Kal-El. “I hope that everyone who can salvage things can salvage things, grieve if they need to grieve, move on from stuff and repair and rebuild, if they have the opportunity. I can’t even imagine what it’s like.”
The tornado scene in “Man of Steel” can briefly be spotted in the latest trailers for the Warner Bros. film.
Earlier this year, Warner Bros. released “Gangster Squad” after delaying the shoot-‘em-up movie so filmmakers could rework a key scene involving an attack on a theater after the deadly shooting at a midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” in Aurora, Colo.