John Kessler
Lobster bisque
I decided to make something I haven’t attempted in over a decade — a real lobster bisque. After wiping various explosions of orange goo off every surface in the kitchen, I now remember why I don’t attempt this too often. But it is kind of fun for a big project. Check out my step-by-step recipe on the Food & More blog.
Jenny Turknett
Foodie pen pals
Remember in college when you used to get care packages from home? If you ever pine for those cardboard-box surprises, you’ll love the foodie pen pal program. Each month, you’ll trade food care packages with a new buddy. A dietetic intern living in Ohio started the program back in 2011. Read more about it and find out how to join on our blog.
Jon Watson
Meat allergy
Since 2008, doctors have noticed an increase in an allergy to meat — particularly mammalian meat such as pork, beef and lamb. Victims can produce a hivelike rash, and in the more severe cases, anaphylactic shock. While research is still in its infancy on the allergy known as alpha-gal, doctors have identified a strong correlation with tick bites — specifically the lone star tick — triggering the allergy in otherwise healthy adults.
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