Two contestants on "America's Got Talent" shocked judges and audience members during a live show -- and not in a good way.
USA Today reported that contestants Ryan Stock and AmberLynn Walker had a scary mishap during their performance Tuesday.
Stock introduced the feat as "sword swallowing with a twist."
The twist was the addition of an arrow that was on fire.
Stock swallowed a target as Walker shot a flaming arrow toward it while it was located in his mouth, just above his throat.
But the flaming arrow missed the target, appearing to singe Stock's throat.
After the incident, Stock spoke out on Twitter.
Stock spoke with Extra after the incident and echoed his sentiments on Twitter.
"I'm happy to be OK," he ssid. "I was very unlucky that the bow misfired, but very lucky that it misfired exactly the way it did."
Lucky, indeed.
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