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Job: Pain management coordinator, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

What I do: "I educate nurses on pain in infants and children, oversee policies related to pain management, and strive to continuously improve how we handle children's pain throughout every service area within the Children's network."

How I got into this: "I have been a nurse for 25 years, working in the NICU. I always worried and cared deeply about making sure we were doing the absolute best we could for our smallest patients. The babies in our care have many procedures and complicated diseases. When the opportunity came to broaden my skills and knowledge to children of all ages, I was thrilled!"

Best part of the job: "The nurses I work with ALWAYS want to do the best they can to help lessen the impact an illness has on a child, so they are very open-minded and hungry for any quality education offered. I also have a great supervisor who empowers me to make positive change and supports my efforts, which improves Children's overall."

Most challenging part: "Children's is very large and sees many types of kids… Finding solutions for each individual patient can be challenging, but we make it work and find success in patient care."

What people don't know about my job: "I'm not really a coordinator. Mostly, I am an educator and that part of the job is not only fun, it also keeps me in touch with why I wanted to become a nurse in the first place."

What keeps me going: "Knowing that I make a difference in a patient's family by helping nurses help kids."

Preparation needed: "BSN in nursing. I am now working on my certification in pain management nursing."