It’s been a fun couple of weeks perusing reader mail about my recent columns on cumbersome hiring practices. I’m not surprised that no one stepped forward to defend the sanity-challenging online applications and multiple interviews. But the upbeat tone of most letters was refreshing.

Maybe it’s the rebounding economy, or maybe the folks writing letters are a self-selecting group of optimists. But most seemed ready to forgive and forget the indignities of the hiring process once they’d landed their new jobs.

Even so, a number of readers still in the hunt expressed their frustrations or described the emotional challenge of job searching. Some of their comments jibed with those of a woman who reads the column in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution who wrote to me late in June. She described enduring 10 different final interview processes where she was one of two candidates being considered. In each case she had progressed through initial phone screenings and multiple in-person sessions, only to lose the offer to the other finalist.

Not surprisingly, she notes, “What I’ve found is the preparation for each interview is overwhelming and exhausting. Hopefully, you can address that area and the emotional ups and downs of being the finalist in future articles.” I will indeed devote an article to that topic in the near future. In the meantime, I have to point out that losing an offer would undoubtedly be less traumatic if the process itself involved fewer steps. Employers?

A reader from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, made a good point when he noted, “HR employees…are not as seasoned as they used to be – hence the lack of professional courtesy such as replying to emails and phone calls.” That makes sense; I hadn’t considered how bench strength in the HR department might be contributing to the problem.

The same reader discounts staffing firms, saying their employees are “little more than order takers.” But he had higher regard for third-party search firms, whose vested interest in the process translates to better communication processes.

Just to prove that more than one opinion prevails on any topic, other readers were quick to vent about working with search firm recruiters. Their comments align with some of the experiences my clients have related about recruiter “excess,” ranging from too many steps to intimidating interviews.

Since I didn’t cover those points in the two previous columns on hiring processes, here’s a quick rundown on the more common issues you might encounter when recruiters are part of the mix, and a brief word of advice for each point.

Overly detailed or overly broad job descriptions. Recruiters aren't paid by the word, but it would be easy to get that impression. Rather than revising your resume to match every point (hello, five-page resume), consider calling the recruiter or emailing directly to say, "I'm intrigued by the opportunity and strongly considering sending my materials. But first, I would appreciate your analysis of the five most important qualifications the top candidates should have."

Interrogation-style screening interviews. I wish I had a nickel for all the times I've heard, "The recruiter couldn't seem to let go. She kept asking that question over and over." One candidate told of a recruiter implying and then outright stating, "Are you sure you weren't fired from your last job?" Another candidate was told that her graduation date seemed suspicious and the recruiter would be conducting extra research to be confirm it. And yet another reported being quizzed repeatedly about a three-month gap in her work experience – from the 1990s.

My advice: Stay calm but move the conversation along. For example, “You seem surprised that I left my last position voluntarily. Please tell me what you need to feel comfortable so we can move forward to more important points.”

Extensive questionnaires. Recruiters frequently use lengthy questionnaires asking for an explication of anything from management philosophy to specific experiences leading project teams. Set aside a half-day to get through the writing, have someone proofread before you send it, then save your work. You'll find that you can re-use many of your answers for different processes.

Despite everything, readers who wrote me were prone to walking on the sunny side of the street, perhaps because most had succeeded in the quest for new employment. I’ll give the closing words to my correspondent in Oshkosh, who endured a six-month search and says, “All of the horror stories mentioned in your article were true of my experience.” Speaking from the vantage point of his new employment, this reader says, “Job seekers in transition need two key attributes: Patience and perseverance.”

I agree. Thanks to everyone who wrote in. I wish patience and perseverance for readers who are still in the hunt.