More than 1,200 companies were nominated or asked to participate in the 2014 contest by the AJC and its partner, Workplace Dynamics, after employees across the metro area responded to print and online solicitations that began appearing in October.

Workplace Dynamics then surveyed 211 metro companies that agreed to participate. Each company required a survey response rate of at least 35 percent for employees based in metro Atlanta. In addition, employers with 85 or fewer metro Atlanta employees had to have at least 30 responders.

More than 50,000 metro workers participated in the survey. They were asked to respond to a set of statements using a seven-point Likert scale. Each statement was tested to ensure a high correlation with how metro employees rate their workplaces. This was calculated by correlating the statement responses to a control question that asked each employee to rate his or her workplace on a scale of zero to 99.

The resulting top 100 list consists of 25 large companies (500 or more employees), 35 midsize companies (150-499 employees) and 40 small companies (149 or fewer employees).

In addition, because there were so many strong metro Atlanta companies this year, Workplace listed 43 “honorable mentions” that just missed the top 100. Those 43 meet the national standards set by Workplace Dynamics for stellar employers.

Once the survey was completed, Workplace Dynamics ran a series of statistical tests to look for questionable results and determine whether disqualifications were needed. Workplace Dynamics also drew up a list of special awards based on standout scores on specific survey statements.

A common theme crystallizes in the articles about these companies that have earned the loyalty and affection of their employees: They have invested as much in their employees’ well-being as they have in tangible perks. The reward for the company can be measured in satisfied customers and on the bottom line.

These companies should be considered the best metro Atlanta has to offer.