
Metro Atlanta

Rate of mortgages at least 90 days delinquent

June 2016 ….. 2.90%

May 2016 ….. 2.80%

April 2016 ….. 2.86%

March 2016 ….. 2.92%

February 2016 ….. 3.05%

January 2016 ….. 3.20%

December 2015 ….. 3.18%

November 2015 ….. 3.21%

October 2015 ….. 3.29%

September 2015 ….. 3.34%

August 2015 ….. 3.37%

July 2015 ….. 3.41%

June 2015 ….. 3.39%

May 2015 ….. 3.47%

April 2015 ….. 3.52%

March 2015 ….. 3.60%

February 2015 ….. 3.83%

January 2015 ….. 3.94%

Source: CoreLogic

The painfully slow healing of the metro Atlanta housing market has continued, as the foreclosure rate dipped again, according to a report issued this morning.

Foreclosures in the region were 0.52 percent of all mortgages for June, according to CoreLogic.

[Read more: What to know before buying a foreclosed home in Atlanta]

That is down from 0.72 percent a year earlier.

The foreclosure rate has been dropping for several years. Experts say it still sometimes understates the pain in the market since there are many people who remain in their homes even though they owe more on their mortgage than the houses are currently worth.

Because Atlanta was one of the areas hardest-hit by the housing crash, foreclosures were much more common here in the aftermath of the crisis. One significant sign of improvement: metro Atlanta’s foreclosure rate is now lower than the national average, which is 0.95 percent.

Atlanta's share of loans that are 90 days or more delinquent is now 2.90 percent, down from 3.39 percent a year ago, according to CoreLogic.