Money may not buy happiness, but some college majors could help you land a job in a very satisfying industry.
In a recent survey, PayScale asked respondents if they felt their jobs made the world a better place. They then ranked more than 300 college majors based on the percentage of graduates in each major that answered "yes." The majority of the top-ranked majors are in the health care industry:
Most meaningful college majors, mid-career pay
14T. Radiologic technology, $63,800
14T. Mining engineering, $109,000
14T. Therapeutic recreation, $48,000
11T. Respiratory therapy, $62,300
11T. Athletic training, $48,300
8T. Early childhood and elementary education, $42,300
8T. Diagnostic medical sonography, $70,800
8T. Counseling, $40,900
7. Dental hygiene, $72,800
6. Nursing, $73,600
3T. Respiratory care, $64,000
3T. Community health education, $56,500
3T. Clinical laboratory science, $60,100
2. Pastoral Ministry, $49,600
1. Medical laboratory science, $61,500
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