You may be familiar with the college majors that could place you among the highest-earning college graduates, but do you know about the ones with the lowest-earning potential?

U.S. News created a list of the 10 college majors that paid the least, based on salary data from, and many education majors topped the list.

"The trend that we see in the bottom majors in terms of earnings is they have a high societal benefit," said Katie Bardaro, vice president of data analytics at PayScale noted in the report. "It just shows the philanthropic nature of these majors is there even though the monetary reward is not high."

Check out the list below, and learn more about the findings here:

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10. Elementary education
Early career pay: $34,700
Midcareer pay: $48,900

9. Youth ministry
Early career pay: $32,900
Midcareer pay: $48,400

8. Human development and family studies
Early career pay: $34,300
Midcareer pay: $47,800

7. Therapeutic recreation
Early career pay: $35,200
Midcareer pay: $47,700

6. Social work
Early career pay: $33,800
Midcareer pay: $46,700

5. Human services
Early career pay: $34,000
Midcareer pay: $44,600

4. Child development
Early career pay: $32,000
Midcareer pay: $42,500

3. Early child and elementary education
Early career pay: $34,800
Midcareer pay: $41,900

2. Child and family studies
Early career pay: $31,400
Midcareer pay: $40,700

1. Early childhood education
Early career pay: $30,700
Midcareer pay: $37,500