One way to destigmatize menstrual periods may be to give women a week off every month -- at least, that's what one British company hopes to achieve.

Bristol-based Coexist has a largely female staff, and the company's directors say it's "unfair" for women to have to work while in pain.

"Everyone at Coexist respects the company and gives more than 100 percent to their work, so I don't think we will have an issue with people deceiving us," Director Bex Baxter told the Bristol Post.

This is an uncommon business practice throughout the world. In the U.S., most companies don't even offer paid maternity leave.

However, several Asian countries like Japan and Taiwan offer working women the ability to take a few paid days to a week off every month during their menstrual cycle.

Some activists have said allowing women to take time off for their period pain doesn't improve gender equality.

For female workers at Coexist, they aren't required to take time off, it's just an option.