In mid-September, I wrote a series of articles describing a 12-week strategy for job search, with the promise that I would check back with encouragement and trouble-shooting ideas.

But first the recap of the steps, as noted in an earlier column: “The candidate using this process first chooses a job goal, then creates a targeted resume for that work and builds a list of 50 organizations that would likely use people in those roles. To implement the search, the candidate contacts the relevant department managers in those firms and requests a meeting to discuss the possibility of being hired into the department.

“The contacts themselves are generally made via letter, email or phone, and are conducted without concern for whether the employer is currently posting an opening. The theory, which I have seen borne out repeatedly, is that many (I believe most) openings are not advertised but are instead filled directly by the department manager.”

Frequently described as a targeted or focused job search, this strategy benefits the candidate because it leaves control for the pacing in his or her hands, and reduces or eliminates reliance on online job postings. The result is a process that can be scheduled and conducted efficiently and productively, and which can also be measured: X number of calls and letters to produce X number of meetings, to produce X number of offers. By measuring results, the job seeker knows to increase the pace or adjust the contact method to meet the 12-week deadline.

But what if you’ve been using this process for the past 30 days and have not been able to schedule meetings? Here are two troubleshooting steps.

1. Evaluate your productivity. Are you setting (and reaching) minimum objectives each day? My gold standard for job search is 20 hours a week, in daily four-hour shifts, Monday through Friday. In my observation, this is the most sustainable for most people, while creating a good balance between momentum from daily activity and rest from having the weekend “off.” More hours per day can create a burnout situation that halts the search altogether.

To assess productivity, ask yourself: How many hours a day am I doing job search? How many calls or letters am I sending out? Am I following up each contact to request meetings? How many meetings have I been able to set?

Let’s say you’ve decided to send letters and then follow up the letters with a call to request a meeting. If you’re not getting at least one meeting for every 10 calls, your problem is likely to be in the call itself, or in your target selection: You’re either not clearly asking for a meeting, or you’re contacting the wrong people.

But if you’re not sending enough letters to begin with (three a day is a good goal; six would be terrific), the issue could be one of numbers. You need to contact more people so you can make more follow-up calls so you can net some meetings.

2. Improve your productivity. Now that you know where the problem lies, you can fix it. If you need more names so you can make more contacts, consider seeking help. You might ask a reference librarian to help you build a deeper list, or you could send a broadcast email to your friends and contacts asking for names of managers in the companies that you list. LinkedIn and online search engines can also be sources, as can alumni directories, professional associations and other lists.

Once you’ve evaluated your progress and implemented some problem-solving, you’re ready to start again. Give yourself a couple of weeks of intense activity, then run the troubleshooting questions again. If you really aren’t setting meetings by then, it may be time to look at a Plan B or interim job, to bring in cash flow. But if you’re seeing progress, my advice would be to hit it even harder, so you can develop even more momentum and get this search wrapped up by the end of the year.