By RODNEY HO/, originally filed Monday, August 8, 2016

"Love and Hip Hop Atlanta" finished season five's pseudo-reunion show with an attempted rapprochement between Joseline Hernandez and Stevie J.

After the producers confirmed Joseline was pregnant, they brought Stevie J in. He demanded an apology for all her disrespect on social media. She refused to apologize unless he did. They were at an impasse. So he got up and left.

The produced tried again, convincing Stevie J to return. This time, Joseline apologized with seeming sincerity - or whatever sincerity she could muster. Why she got so mad or hurt by Stevie J is still vague though she was clearly upset when he announced they were not married. But he only did that after she had done a bunch of psycho stuff. She ended the talk by saying she hoped they could raise the child together. "I don't want to have the baby without you," she said.

Then the show noted that the two began sniping at each other on social media. They brought them back for follow-up interviews. She blamed him for not facing her face to face and using social media. She felt she had to hit back in public. Clearly, this relationship is finito.

Stevie : "She's got to realize there's a real world. She lives with no boundaries.".

Joseline: "I don't need your money and the baby will never have your last name."

The final word from Stevie J: "Fly little birdie! You're free!"

Is this really over? You never say never in this soap opera. They now have a baby together to deal with.


In other story lines reviews:

Too much drama: Karlie Redd worked hard to amp up the drama with her relationship and break up with Lyfe Jennings. He may have gotten some other woman pregnant while in a so-called "open" relationship with Karlie, who also slept with Scrapp De Leon. There is clearly a lot of animosity between the two of them. She began getting all worked up and host Nina Parker eventually quit on Karlie's over-acting, saying "This is getting ridiculous."

Tiarra can't help herself: Tiarra is a little nutty and they show her volatility. She got into umpteenth fights. But she has moved beyond Scrapp. She is now pregnant with another man's baby. Karen "KK" King also questioned whether King, Scrapp's son, is actually his son. That issue was not resolved. Speaking of KK, she was arrested for forgery and identity theft. To the camera, she denied she did anything wrong.

I'll drink to that! Momma Dee and Ernest appear to be doing well now despite their issues. He said he revealed her drinking issues because he didn't want her craziness to be blamed on her. But she owned her own idiosyncracies.

Broken but maybe not over: Tammy Rivera separated from Waka Flocka over his cheating ways. But Bambi thinks they might get back together.

Chris still loves Mimi: Chris Gould seemed very sincere in his love for Mimi and was clearly not on the show to be on TV. He may have female parts but considers himself a man. For some reason, Mimi brought Ariane into the room to question Chris' sincerity and an angry song Chris recorded. Eventually, Ariane agitated Chris enough that Chris wanted her out of the room. In the end, Mimi and Chris both admitted to loving each other. Shame it didn't work out.