HOMER — At the end of a dusty dirt road, surrounded by beat-up chain saws and worn-out lawn mowers, Richard Yarber tries to explain his tortured relationship with the new president.
“If Donald Trump walked in here, within 10 minutes I’d slap him — he’s so arrogant,” Yarber declared. “But we need someone who is going to stand up. We need a man in the White House.”
Virtually no other place in Georgia was as supportive of Trump as Banks County, a sparsely populated area where nearly 9 out of every 10 residents voted for the Republican.
It’s hard to find a Democrat here. It’s even harder to find a Trump supporter who regrets his or her vote. And interviews with two dozen Banks County residents as the president approaches his one-month anniversary in the White House on Monday quickly revealed a few constants.
Most residents here brush off reports of chaos in the White House and reject the narrative that his administration is sinking into scandal and ineptitude. They feel his attacks on the media are justified. And they are somewhat concerned — if bemused — that he remains the same say-anything Trump he was on the campaign trail.
More: One month later, a Trump stronghold in Georgia stands by the president.
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