A final, final Georgia poll: Donald Trump, Johnny Isakson lead

Voting stickers await DeKalb County voters at the polls on Election Day at the Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Stone Mountain on Tuesday. Kent D. Johnson, kdjohnson@ajc.com

Credit: Jim Galloway

Credit: Jim Galloway

Voting stickers await DeKalb County voters at the polls on Election Day at the Crossroads Presbyterian Church in Stone Mountain on Tuesday. Kent D. Johnson, kdjohnson@ajc.com

Chris Huttman of 20/20 Insight, a Democratic-oriented firm, just tossed us the results a small poll he conducted from Nov. 1 to 7 – so it just wrapped up last night. He worked with 541 respondents, so the margin of error is +/- 4.2 percentage points.

Check out the questions here. And the crosstabs here.

His presidential numbers will look familiar: Republican Donald Trump, 48 percent; Democrat Hillary Clinton, 45 percent; and Libertarian Gary Johnson, 3 percent; with 4 percent still undecided.

Likewise, Georgia’s race for U.S. Senate: Republican incumbent Johnny Isakson, 51 percent; Democrat Jim Barksdale, 44 percent; Libertarian Allen Buckley, 1 percent; undecided, 3 percent.

Huttman’s polling shows Amendment 1, the proposed constitutional amendment to permit the state takeover of failing schools, is headed for a resounding defeat by 64 percent of voters. Other polling has shown the same.

But then there’s Amendment 3, the proposed constitutional amendment to remake the independent Judicial Qualifications Commission, the watchdog over the behavior of judges, and put it under the control of the Legislature.

Over all, it received 40 percent approval and 38 percent disapproval. Twenty-two percent were puzzled – not a surprise given its arcane topic. Among those who had already voted, Amendment 3 is losing, 42 to 40 percent. But among those who hadn’t yet voted, the JQC proposal was winning, 40 to 31 percent.

So it appears that Amendment 3 is very much on the bubble.

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