As primary voting continues today for the new Congress, two very familiar names are in the spotlight, as Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) and Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) hope to fight off challengers and keep their seats in Washington, D.C.

Rangel wears the hat as "Most Endangered Incumbent" today, as he tries to avoid falling to the formula that saw him elected to Congress in 1970, when he was the young upstart who dethroned a long time member of the U.S. House.

That year, Rangel defeated Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, who had seen his career run into troubles, just as Rangel has suffered ethics issues in recent years.

Rangel's main challenger is a state Senator named Adriano Espiallat, who hopes to draw on extra hispanic votes in Rangel's redrawn district that includes Harlem.

Across the country in Utah, Sen. Orrin Hatch seems to have a much better chance of surviving his primary, as he faces former state Senator Dan Liljenquist.

Two years ago, Hatch watched the Tea Party defeat his colleague Sen. Robert Bennett (R-UT), and the veteran Republican wasted no time getting his re-election bid in gear, reaching out to conservative and Tea Party elements - and for now, it has put Hatch in a strong position.

No other incumbents are thought to be in trouble today in congressional primaries in New York, Utah, Oklahoma, Colorado.

After today, there is a summer vacation of sorts for primaries, as the next round won't be until July 31 when Georgia voters go to the polls and Texas holds its runoff elections.

18 states still have to fill out their ballots for November; currently 10 Senators won't be back in January and over 50 House members. That number seems certain to grow.