About three years ago, House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams founded a company with her younger sister and named it Myrina Strategies. 

In Greek mythology, Myrina was the queen of the Amazons, a tribe of warrior women who conquered the Atlantians.

Clever, huh?  Maybe too clever.


Credit: Chris Joyner

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Credit: Chris Joyner

Making it harder to track is that Abrams failed to claim the corporation on her personal financial disclosure, a required form for every office holder that is supposed to allow the public to peer into candidate's business arrangements and look for potential conflicts. A possible conflict -- one that both Abrams and the Nunn campaign say didn't occur -- is that Abrams consulting work ended right as she was ramping up a large voter registration effort with her non-profit New Georgia Project. 

Abrams said Myrina Strategies was a convenient legal construct through which to receive payment for services rendered. There was no attempt to hide anything, she said.

Read more about what she had to say here.