Gas prices keep falling, but you can’t go anywhere

Traffic on metro Atlanta highways is a relative breeze at a time when many of us can’t take advantage of it because we’re stuck at home. (Hyosub Shin /



Traffic on metro Atlanta highways is a relative breeze at a time when many of us can’t take advantage of it because we’re stuck at home. (Hyosub Shin /

It's one of the minor ironies of the coronavirus pandemic – traffic on metro Atlanta highways is a relative breeze at a time when many of us can't take advantage of it because we're stuck at home. So, too with gas prices.

The AAA auto club reports that the average price of regular unleaded gasoline in Georgia today is $1.71 a gallon. That’s 6 cents lower than last week, 43 cents less than a month ago and 94 cents less than this time last year.

The cost to fill up a 15-gallon tank is now $25.65 - $15.45 less than last April.

It's enough to make you want to hit the road, but that would be a bad idea. Gov. Brian Kemp recently extended his shelter-in-place order through the end of the month. And health experts say it may take even longer to get the coronavirus pandemic under control.

But cheer up. One thing cheaper than cheap gas is no gas. Every day your car sits in the driveway is a day you’re paying $0 a gallon.