Originally filed Friday, August 17, 2018 by RODNEY HO/rho@ajc.com on the AJC Buzz blog

TMZ learned that the man who found Bobbi Kristina unconscious in a bathtub three years ago has died himself of a probably drug overdose.

Max Lomas was found dead in Mississippi on Wednesday.

Lomas was with Whitney Houston's daughter and her boyfriend Nick Gordon in her final days conscious in early 2015 in their Roswell home. She never regained consciousness and officially died a few months later.

Lomas told People in 2016 that he had lived with them on and off for weeks and noted a lot of drugs, partying and fights.

"We were all pretty bad into drugs," Lomas said.

Gordon lost a civil suit and was accused of being "legally responsible" for Bobbi Kristina's death, something he has denied. The court has entered a judgment of $36 million against Gordon.