“Alien: Isolation” is a survival horror video game set 15 years after the events in the movie “Alien.” It’s available for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Windows PCs. Credit: Sega of America, Inc.

New video games this week:

"Alien: Isolation." — Last year's "Aliens: Colonial Marines" was a huge disaster, but there's still hope that this game, set 15 years after the events in "Alien," will do better by focusing less on action and more on creepy survival horror. Rated M for Mature. $50-$60 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Windows PC.

"Skylanders Trap Team." — The twist in this edition of the collectible toy/video game series is that you can track villains, trap them and have them fight for you. The figures not included in the Starter Set cost about $16 each. Starter Set is $65-$100 in Standard, Limited and Tablet Editions for Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, Nintendo 3DS, tablets including iPad, Google Nexus, Kindle Fire HD and Samsung Galaxy Tab.

Also out this week: "NBA 2K15" (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC), "DriveClub" (PS4), "Minecraft (Retail version)" (PS4), "Project Spark" (Xbox One, PC), "Tenkai Knights: Brave Battle" (3DS), "Dead Rising 3: Apocalypse Edition" (Xbox One), "Ryse: Legendary Edition" (Xbox One), "Ryse: Son of Rome" (PC), "Final Fantasy XIII" (PC), "Forza 5: Game of the Year Edition" (Xbox One), "Team Indie" (downloadable for PC and Mac), "Costume Quest 2" (downloadable for PC, Mac and Linux), "Project D Online" (PC), "Styx: Master of Shadows" (PC), "A Golden Wake" (PC), "Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition" (PC, Xbox One, PS4), "Short Peace" (downloadable for PS3).