Video shows massive sinkhole swallowing van

One man in Ottawa, Ontario, is out of a vehicle after a huge sinkhole opened and took it down with it.

CBC News reported that the sinkhole began forming downtown at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday.

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The sinkhole quickly grew on Rideau Street in downtown Ottawa and stretched across its four lanes, filling with water.

A water main break was to blame for the development of the sinkhole, CBC News reported.

Those in nearby buildings were evacuated because of the road collapse and an on-site gas leak.

Authorities reported no injuries, but the owner of the van was not able to go near the sinkhole or retrieve his vehicle.

It was not the first time that the street has collapsed. CBC News reported that a similar incident occurred in 1924, citing Library and Archives Canada.

Video of the van falling into the sinkhole can be seen below: