Today: Partly cloudy. High: 72
Tonight: Mostly cloudy. Low: 49
Tomorrow: Partly cloudy. High: 73
» For a detailed forecast, visit The Atlanta Journal-Constitution weather page.
Temperatures are on the rise and could come close to 80 degrees before the week is over, according to Channel 2 Action News.
Currently, it is 65 degrees in Atlanta.
Metro Atlanta could see some showers through the evening hours and overnight, Chief meteorologist Glenn Burns said.
“Nothing widespread and they won’t last that long,” Burns said. But it will be more humid in addition to staying warm.
Those showers aren’t expected to affect the morning commute Thursday.
And things won’t be cooling down anytime soon, Channel 2 meteorologist Brad Nitz said.
“We’re going to stay warm for a while,” he said.
The average high for this time of year is 69.
However, Atlanta is expected to see highs of 74 Thursday, 77 Friday, 78 Saturday and 77 Sunday, when daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m., Channel 2 reported.
“Temperatures should not be this warm,” Channel 2 meteorologist Karen Minton said. “But the long-range models are indicating that we’re going to stay this way through the month of November.”