Traveling during the holidays comes with certain perennially exasperating givens: Endless lines at airport security. Long car trips that feel even longer thanks to the cranky kids arguing in the back seat. Guilt-laden, Why aren't you here yet?! calls to your cell phone every half hour from Mom or your overly-eager-to-carve-the-turkey Uncle Ralph.

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Enter Glympse, a "real-time, temporary location sharing" app that lets loved ones track your every move as you make your way to grandma's house or wherever else you're headed.

Available on IOS and Android, it lets you share your location in real-time for up to four hours; those on the receiving end (translation: the person who waits for your cab to pull into the cul-de-sac before sticking the yam-and-marshmallow casserole in the oven) simply open a link (no downloads necessary on their end) on a computer or mobile device and — presto! — they can track your live movements on a map, along with an estimated time of arrival.

In other words, no more nagging phone calls, texts or sending out of search parties. If the benefits of this aren’t already crystal clear, allow Bryan Trussel, Glympse’s co-founder and CEO, to explain:

“Traveling under normal circumstances can be stressful, but when you combine travel with crowds, unpredictable weather, time-sensitive meals and high-maintenance family members, it gets complicated,” Trussel said in a statement. “Glympse is the perfect travel companion this Thanksgiving to keep worried family from wondering where you are, and to ensure you don’t miss a single bite of the meal of the year.”

True that. On the other hand, it could also expose you as a shameless liar if you claim to be on the way and stuck in terrible traffic, when really, you’re at a sports bar with friends watching football. Don’t say we didn’t warn you if you’re suddenly left out of the will.

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