How to beat the 25% grocery price hike and keep your wallet happy

Grocery prices have risen 25% in the past five years, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and it’s no secret most people are feeling the pinch. Last year, a Yahoo Finance/Ipsos poll revealed that two-thirds of voters consider food prices to be the most significant impact of inflation, far surpassing the 1 in 10 who feel the pinch through gas prices or housing costs.

While we may not have control over the economy, there are several strategies shoppers and experts recommend to help navigate the supermarket effectively and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket.

Plan your meals

One key tip is to plan your meals and purchase groceries — especially perishables like fruits and vegetables — in smaller quantities every few days rather than doing one large shopping trip. This simple change can lead to significant savings, considering Americans waste an astonishing $500 billion on uneaten groceries each year, according to consumer adviser Clark Howard.

Buying in bulk is only advisable for frequently used items such as toilet paper, pasta, canned goods or snacks for children’s lunches, smart shopping expert Trae Bodge told Good Morning America. “You can also often buy in bulk on Amazon and on a site like”

Buy generic

Another money-saving strategy is to opt for generic or store-brand products, which can save you 20% or more compared to name-brand items. Often, according to Bodge, these products are manufactured in the same factories as their branded counterparts, with identical ingredient lists.

Search for deals

Howard recommends tech-savvy shoppers take advantage of apps like Flipp, which provides updates on the best deals, and Ibotta, which offers cash back on purchases. Coupon websites like also feature offers for grocery delivery services, such as $25 off $35 or more at Instacart or $55 off $99 or more, Bodge said.

Read the price tag

When comparing prices, focus on the cost-per-unit rather than the actual price, because the sticker price may not always reflect the total value.

“Many brands are shrinking the size or weight of their products and charging the same price,” Bodge said.

Don’t buy precut produce

Additionally, buying whole fruits and vegetables and preparing them at home can lead to savings. “You’re paying for labor when you buy precut,” Bodge explained.