In Atlanta, it doesn't do to play ball in an old park.

The Braves and the Falcons are getting new digs, while the Hawks think about a move and DeKalb County approves a new soccer arena. The Braves move to SunTrust Park could cost Cobb taxpayers nearly $400 million, but by baseball standards, the Ted isn't very old.

In 1997, the Braves moved to Turner Field, which had been opened in time to host Olympic events the year before.

Since then, 16 MLB teams have moved into new homes.

The other 13 teams have stayed put, including the Boston Red Sox and Chicago Cubs, housed at Fenway Park and Wrigley Field respectively for more than a century.

A handful of stadiums, including the Ted and the Tampa Bay Rays’ Tropicana Field, were built and used before any baseball team moved in.