Today is the third and final installment of Doug Roberson’s (@DougRobersonAJC) Atlanta United-themed Jeopardy game.
It’s Final Jeopardy.
If you missed Round 1, click here.
If you missed Double Jeopardy, click here.
The category for Final Jeopardy is....ORIGINAL PLACES.
I’ll give you a minute to wager.
The answer is: Atlanta United’s training facility is located in Marietta. That’s not where it was going to be built. Name one of two places of prominent places of business near where it was originally supposed to be constructed.
The question is below.
What are the Kensington Marta Station or the Dekalb Jail?
The training complex was supposed to be constructed in Dekalb County. That plan was scuppered a few months later in Nov. 2015 when the costs of cleaning up the potential site were deemed too expensive.
I hope yall had fun playing the game. It was fun to put together. I hope that very soon we will have access to players so that I can start providing to you current news instead of historical fun.
And I’m rooting for you Alex Trebek!
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