Hate is destroying world’s greatest country from within
I am a native Georgian and have been so disappointed in the American citizens. We have always had issues with hate in America, but the secret to our success is we left each other alone and lived together and weren’t trying to kill or hurt fellow Americans.
I have always heard that you can’t fix stupid, and I believe that, but that’s not the problem. Wake up America! Are you willing to throw away the greatest country in the world for this unacceptable behavior?
Those claiming Biden has dementia don’t know what it’s like
A reader recently asserted that President Biden has advanced dementia. As someone who has had to care for a loved one with dementia, I resent the idea of trivializing this sad condition.
A person with dementia does not fly halfway across the world at the drop of a hat to confer with a prime minister at war. A person with dementia does not negotiate face-to-face with the leader of the second-largest economy in the world. A person with dementia does not give speeches, sign legislation, or make policy. You may not agree with President Biden’s policies – fair enough. But just because someone stumbles occasionally or has a stuttering problem does not make them incompetent, stupid or demented.
Trump has failed record at home and abroad
In dueling letters to Readers Write recently about Trump, the letter (incredulous over Georgians’ support of Trump over Biden) clearly elaborates on Trump’s failings that jeopardize our democracy. The letter supporting Trump can only muster arguments about “record deficits, massive immigration, and global unrest.”
Really? Trump’s presidency increased the national debt by $8 trillion (more than Biden’s projected end-of-term deficit). As for immigration, Biden is administering the laws of the U.S. Democrats have tried to solve immigrant issues, but Republicans would rather use immigration as a campaign issue than solve the problem.
Congress was on the verge of a deal on immigration and Ukraine, but Trump is killing it because it might help Biden. Moreover, preventing Ukraine aid works toward Trump’s agenda since he supports Putin. Trump’s presidency created world chaos with exits from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris Accords, the Iran nuclear deal, and a contemplated exit from NATO. Biden had to repair the damage.
Trump and his cult will destroy American democracy.
Trump will do what’s right for America and democracy
Donald Trump will do everything wrong! He will stop the flow of unlawful migrants coming across our borders and increase drilling for oil and gas, thus improving U.S. energy security and lowering costs.
Unbelievably, he will allow free speech, a right the Constitution gives us. He will let Americans buy any gas or diesel car or truck they want. He will not cancel anyone’s debt; only Congress has spending authority. Dictator Trump will again cut burdensome regulations, thus helping the economy grow and employ more people.
And lastly, he may actually get legislation passed requiring a valid ID to vote, which will hinder cheating! If you believe that these things Trump will do are really bad for democracy and America, then you are the problem.