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Fishing makes good Father’s Day memories

Many people know more about fishing than I do. I don’t own a pole. When I catch a fish, I rarely know what kind, and it is often just luck. This Father’s Day, my son, grandson and I are going fishing. We can learn life lessons from fishing: persistence, patience and when something is not working, change something.

We have had many fishing adventures, even in a little pond near Noonday Creek. In Alaska, after having no luck for days, just before the bus left, I threw in the line one last time, and we snagged a salmon. In Costa Rica in brackish water, we hauled in seven or eight orange-colored fish, maybe 13 pounds each, with the pole bending over as the fish swam under the boat. On the Amazon, our guide poured blood into the water, and with a hook on a wire and no bait, we caught seven or eight piranhas and ate them.

Good memories. Great Father’s Day fun.


Character more important than issues when electing leaders

Almost everyone, regardless of particular religious or political beliefs, shares commonality in embracing the following character traits in those we admire and attempt to emulate: honesty, compassion, wisdom, perspective and humor. Should we not also desire these traits in those we choose to govern us?

As November approaches, which candidate most embodies these traits? This question just might be more critical than any issues-oriented one.


What solutions do Republicans offer to nation’s problems?

What I find notable in discussions with Republican friends and family is they are convinced that America is on the brink of failure, that government is incapable of functioning, that Democrats are constantly conspiring to weaken the country, all while immigrants, scant gun limits and women’s desire to control their bodies combine to doom our society. Their complaints are a laundry list of what’s wrong with nary an innovative solution for improvement. Why, then, should one vote Republican?


GOP attacks fundamental right to choose family size

We met in high school in 1970. As of Aug. 21, we will have been married for 47 years. They have been good years, and that’s partly because of the advances of modern medicine. Like most families, we’ve survived illnesses and injuries that could have been deadly in an earlier time. These advances in medicine improved our lives, and we’re grateful.

Our ability to control our family size was another important benefit of modern medicine. We wanted to have two children, and we have two wonderful daughters, now grown. We could choose our family size without the intervention of rules or laws inhibiting this fundamental right.

Believe it or not, some want to take us back to the Dark Ages by outlawing access to birth control. Last week, the Right to Contraception Act was voted down in the U.S. Senate. This act would have protected the right of individuals to access and use contraceptives and the right of health care professionals to provide contraceptives and contraception information. Although 51 votes were in favor, 60 votes were needed to overcome a Republican filibuster. Incredibly, every Republican senator except for Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted against the Right to Contraception Act.

Those senators and the Republicans who agree with them need to understand our anger at their attacks on our freedom. We urge you to use your vote to tell them how wrong they are.