America’s real divide is between elitists and patriots

Unless close election recounts change things, the blizzard of misinformation predicting a “blue wave” and the shamefully inflated polls – which were voter suppression tools to discourage Trump voters from even voting – appear to have achieved their goal of defeating President Trump. But not by much! Just enough to keep a narrow swath of Trump voters home. The vitriol and hatred spewed for the last four years by leftists in a media drumbeat has damaged our nation. Millions of hard-working, patriotic Americans voted to support the populist President Trump. The 2020 election’s nearly even split of voters has truly exposed the division of our country – but it is not along racial lines. It is a social split between hard-working, deeply patriotic Americans of all colors and the leftist ultra-liberal elites who want to make America unrecognizable. Today’s Democratic Party has been taken over by truly fascist elites who seem filled with hate and try to shut down all voices but their own. God help our country.


Trump’s election attacks malign integrity of election workers

We were disappointed, but not surprised that the President threw a fit when the 2020 election failed to go his way. Executive orders don’t apply here; in this democratic republic, voters are in charge. Voters spoke loud and clear in record numbers. Continued unfounded, unverified claims of fraud and mismanagement are a direct insult to thousands of poll workers and election officials in every state, county and local precinct. Up to now, most defeated candidates have accepted results more or less with grace, out of respect for the election process, office and nation. The president failed to note each state has certain legal prerogatives for vote acceptance and counting. He can’t have it both ways. First, he labeled mail voting as fraud and tried to prevent it, and now he claims fraud when the mail votes favor Biden. We can wish the defeated president success in his next adventures.