‘Gun-friendly’ states have higher rates of mass shootings
Georgia has always been known as a “gun-friendly” state, with over 1 million residents carrying gun permits. It sometimes only takes three weeks and costs $75 to obtain a permit here. Permits are ridiculously easy to obtain. Unfortunately, it is also easy to be shot by a gun in Georgia. Over 900 people have been shot in Atlanta over the last year alone, according to the APD.
Research has clearly shown that states which make it easier to obtain guns have higher rates of mass shootings. So why on earth would we make it easier for people to carry guns? It is already easy. And it is already killing our neighbors, our friends, and our children.
Trump and his supporters are ‘Dancing with the Czars’
Congratulations seem to be in order for Trump, FOX “News,” and all their ilk. I believe it is now time for them to launch a new “reality” show and name it “Dancing with the Czars.”
While they continue their relentless boasting and posting of counterfeit, bogus, and baseless propaganda-like attacks regarding: politics (with ignorant understanding of the Constitution and their unwavering support for authoritarian regimes); elections (with ceaseless efforts to control the ballot box); schools and CRT (which they still can’t identify or define); schools and eliminating and/or destroying books/texts (while Georgia and so many other so-called Red states rank pathetically low in literacy); immigration woes (unless it is to care for their homes or pick their fruits and vegetables); race (which they continue to ignore in their mad dash to return to the 1860s; freedom and rights (unless it involves non-whites and women); crime (through the twisted interpretation of the Second Amendment); law and order (which they apply to anyone but themselves); and health and science (through the promulgation of dangerous nonsense while at the same time protecting themselves).
J. M. Saulson, Ph.D. Snellville
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