Republicans push ‘fears’ about immigrants

Our country shares in the sorrow for the senseless murder of an innocent nursing student on the University of Georgia campus.

The university acted appropriately in ramping up security measures. What is inappropriate is the mostly Republican response to this and the whole immigration issue. Studies have shown that first-generation immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than the average American. Trump has built his cult based on lies that immigrants are drug-pushing murders and thieves — this is partly a racist issue since most immigrants are non-white.

Trump has thwarted congressional efforts to deal with immigration so he can use it for his political gain. Over time, Republican legislators have repeatedly stymied efforts to pass immigration law— they want to use their cheap labor on farms and businesses and keep them as second-class noncitizens. Democrats should be making immigration a case for Republican failures, not the other way around. Again, Republican bias and dysfunction are at the expense of American progress.


Athens mayor seems to favor illegals over citizens

I listened to the mayor of Athens explain that his town is not a sanctuary city. He said the term “sanctuary city” is not codified anywhere in law. That may be true, but neither is “college town,” yet I know one when I see one.

As he described illegal immigrants as people fleeing from wars and famine and cartels, I see the chasm between those with his line of thinking and those with mine. There will always be people in unfortunate circumstances the world over. This nation has always been generous to a fault in helping the disadvantaged. In recent years, we have allowed unflagging and unvetted hordes of immigrants, over 10 million of them, to come into this country. And now we reap the consequences.

The Athens mayor may disdain the protesters, but they truly are the people he is supposed to support. Favoring illegal and lawless immigrants over American citizens is a policy that only a Democrat could love. It is no wonder that, as a nation, we have become so polarized.