Sad to see our country in such decline

I never thought that we would reach the point where our legislators care more about power and money than they do about the lives of our people. We are ruled by special interest groups, and our democracy is dying. We can no longer depend on the Supreme Court to judge with integrity; we can no longer take our children out in the community without fear of violence! It is a very sad day for our country.


Democracy doesn’t guarantee freedoms. Voters do!

Yet another mass shooting with a weapon of war was perpetrated on innocents at an Illinois parade by a male initially described as 18-to 20-ish. Seven people died; dozens were injured.

Don’t you dare utter “thoughts and prayers.” If this human destruction grips your heart – vote! Vote for stricter gun laws and elected officials who support them.

Today, millions of women awoke without access to safe and legal abortions. Justice Thomas opened the door to potential bans on contraception, gay marriage and loving who you choose. Don’t you dare utter, “this is not who we are.” Subjugation of rights are being perpetuated on all Americans by a Supreme Court that is crazily out of step with us.

Does this frighten you? Do something -- vote. Vote out legislators who support antiquated policies that drag us back into darkness.

Democracy doesn’t guarantee our freedoms. We do. But only if we vote!


Nation’s problems need commonsense solutions

What is “commonsense gun control”? Remove all weapons from the public?

Ban AR-15s? OK. Now, what about shotguns, hunting rifles, high-powered handguns, etc.?

What is “your fair share?” Can anyone give me a number/percentage/dollar amount?

What is “comprehensive immigration reform”? Been hearing this for the last 40 years, and still no answer, unless you consider open borders comprehensive enough.

What is “equity?” Are we not all equal in the sight of God? Who cares what others think of you? I am sure many readers think I am a right-wing wacko for my commentary. Do I really care? If my wife and family think so, I care. Otherwise, no, I don’t care.

We are who we are. A nation of individuals trying to come together. With “common sense,” we will get there together.


Let’s stop legislators from raiding public coffers

While touting U.S. Rep. Sanford Bishop for his earmarking boondoggles for the Albany district, Atlanta Journal-Constitution columnist Jamie Dupree implicitly criticized U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for not gorging at the public trough. The founding fathers warned us to beware of the politicians who did exactly that and who would raid the public coffers for their own advancement.

Government money is not free. It comes from us, the taxpayers, and should be spent for the good of all, as in supporting the military or shoring up failing Medicare and Social Security systems.

Local needs should be funded locally or at the state level. Mr. Bishop and his ilk are one of the reasons we have a $31 trillion national debt.

There are always term limits.