Hard to believe people still support Trump
Former president Donald Trump recently said, “I can’t believe this is happening in America,” in reference to his indictment and arrest in New York.
This is what I can’t believe: That over 74 million people voted in 2020 for a twice-impeached candidate, a man who lied over 20,000 times, according to the Washington Post, a man who attempted to blackmail the Ukranian president into conjuring up a fake investigation of the Bidens in exchange for military aid, a man who publicly bragged about how “stars” can get away with physically abusing women, a man who disparaged a national hero (John McCain) by saying he didn’t like people who were “captured,” a man who was okay with separating small children from their parents at the U.S-Mexico border, a man who completely bungled the U.S. response to the COVID pandemic, a man who sucked up to Vladimir Putin in public and so on.
I can’t believe this is happening in America.
Nation’s demise comes from within
In the near future, a history of the United States of America, written in Mandarin, Russian, or Urdu, will omit our philanthropy and sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of our citizenry to end slavery and fascism. Nor will it acknowledge our achievements in science, medicine and improvements in the human condition.
Rather, it will delineate the steps of our demise, to wit: Ending prayer in schools; abandonment of academic discipline and rigor; erosion of our legal system via favoritism; disdain for punishment and the rule of law; the corruption of our media; promoting racial strife, dependency and tribalism and destruction of our financial system.
Many readers of this missive will applaud the creativity of our adversaries for demolishing a great society without a shot.
Only a brave few will weep.