Reaping what we’ve sown with marriage tax penalty
A recent letter-writer explained the need for families to help solve part of our society’s problems.
In this regard, in an April 5, 2016 article by Gene Steuerle of the liberal Urban Institute (and formerly with the U.S. Treasury as an economist) noted: “There is an ongoing debate about how much a marriage penalty actually affects decisions to wed, but there is little doubt avoiding marriage is the tax shelter for low- and moderate-income individuals.”
We are reaping what we’ve sown. And Democrats’ solution is to make the matter worse by further incentivizing single parenthood via government dependency. The Republicans’ response is to go along as long as their business and wealthy supporters continue to get tax breaks.
Nation is falling behind with out-of-control government
Letters from disgruntled Democrats have thrown all Republicans in one basket, chastised them for voting for Herschel Walker, and made wild claims about Republicans thinking of only the white and wealthy. That is so insulting.
Millions of Americans want a stop to reckless spending, out-of-control crime, open borders, a shocking decline in our education system and outrageous drug imports, not to mention our diminishing position in world politics.
Neither of the recent Senate candidates was outstanding, but at least a vote for Walker would even the playing field in the Senate. Our government is out of control. We are stuck with sky-high inflation due to the unchecked wild spending in Congress. Senseless crime has burgeoned due to the idiotic chant to defund the police and liberal laws and DA’s who won’t take necessary steps to thwart crime.
Our school system hurt America’s kids while keeping them out of the classroom for two years and now want to teach “wokeness” instead of reading, writing and math. We as a country are falling behind, and we need to wake up and take action.